Many shoppers are extremely loyal to their favorite brands. It is common that the first time you buy in a certain store, you buy products with the hope that they will provide a quality experience. Tennis or sneakers are expected to be comfortable, made of quality materials and to look as good on you as the model in the ad. The electronic tablet is also trusted to work efficiently and help to perform personal or work tasks effectively. In addition, food is purchased in the hope that it will have a specific flavor or quality nutritional value.
Recognized brands of clothing, footwear and almost any article try to show consistency in the quality of the product. This is what contributes to the evolution and acceptance of the brand. Consumers trust previous experiences or recommendations from friends. Likewise, they are guided by the opinions of other people who share their experience with a certain brand through reviews or comments on social networks.
On the other hand, it is true that people naturally have a desire to fit in. Whether at school, work, one's family or in social circles. For this reason, people sometimes buy branded products because they believe that brands will contribute to greater social acceptance. This is especially true in fashion.
Consumers often buy clothing brands that are perceived as trendy, of a certain status, or that fit the style of a particular subculture or group. The mindset of “keeping up” with fashion trends epitomizes this buying motive.
Over time, people who shop in both physical and digital stores develop loyalty to brands that provide a consistent, high-quality experience. Loyalty is essentially an emotional bond with a brand. Some car buyers have a strong affinity for the Ford brand, while others have a similar commitment to Chevrolet.
Brand loyalty makes customers feel more secure and confident in spending on a particular brand. Developing a strong company brand or securing the most desired product brands leads to increased customer loyalty and long-term business benefits.

In another order of ideas, just as the brands of companies or products have identities, people also have them. Some buy certain brands to support their personal or professional image. Tech-savvy, cutting-edge consumers buy Apple gadgets to correlate with a desire to be perceived as "techies" or followers of technology trends. Buying a Lexus or other higher-priced car brand, Rolex watches, or Armani suits contributes to a sophisticated, affluent, or high-class professional image. For women, this also applies to cars and products such as Louis Vuitton bags, Saint Laurent heels, and Chanel or Versace perfumes.
Imagine that you walk into a store and see a basic T-shirt that costs $20, and then you see another similar garment, but from a famous brand that you recognize that it sells for $25. Do you choose the lower priced garment or the brand name? You're more likely to buy a brand, right? Because you know that you are buying a good quality product from a reliable company. However, you're not sure what you're getting from a tagless garment.
Over time, brands have created a sense of quality, consistency, and trust. They often evoke memories and feelings associated with quality. The brand in fashion is extremely valuable and surprises many people. However, most still do not understand why some brand name products can be so expensive. That's because of cost and the company's reputation. These are two of the main reasons why brands are getting more and more expensive.
The most famous brands are in Europe, where technology and raw materials are strictly controlled. Meanwhile, the production costs in the United States and Mexico are much higher than in Asia, so the price of the products is also higher.
One of the reasons why it can be attractive to buy branded products for people with purchasing power is limited edition items. Who does not want to have a garment that hardly anyone else in the world has?

Precisely, a marketing strategy that can help increase the value of a branded product is to launch a limited quantity. A fashion item, for example, sneakers, which are only produced 100 pairs per campaign, will be worth much more than tens of thousands of sneakers of the same or similar brand. In short, the mindset of a customer who owns a branded product labeled "limited edition" will make them willing to spend more money.
It is especially relevant that designers spend a lot of time and effort to create an article or garment. It is not such an easy process to plan and design a piece, much less a complete clothing line. Most brand designs will soon be seen as standard models for the market, which is always easy to copy by mass production units. Even so, expensive clothing or luxury clothing is always ahead and is considered a market-oriented icon.
On the other hand, some people look up their favorite artists or celebrities and get inspired by or completely copy their outfits. Celebrities play an important role when it comes to the fashion industry.
It is a reality that consumers pay higher prices for branded products compared to generic or non-branded products. This is related to quality, appearance, taste and feel, but also to the status of the brand in society. People buy brand name items for a variety of reasons. Typically, certain successful branded products make more money for companies by commanding premium prices.
Whatever the reason you bought a branded or designer product, the truth is that the brands we use make statements about who we are and who we want to be. We all identify with the style of the brands we consume and wear, and we see them as part of our image.