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Frequently Asked Questions - Alejandra Quesada

Frequent questions

What are the valid forms of payment?

Cash, transfer, payment by credit or debit card (VISA, AMEX and MASTERCARD). You can pay at OXXO Stores, 7-Eleven, Telecomm, deposit at BBVA Bancomer window, Citibanamex and Santander.

All payments are processed via Mercadopago . By clicking "Finish the order", you will be redirected to the Alejandra Quesada - Mercadopago portal, where you can select any of the alternatives (payment with cards, cash or transfers).

If you cannot find your payment method, contact us via Whatsapp: 55 4787 0394

What are the types and times of shipment?

Alejandra Quesada makes her shipments through the most prestigious parcel companies (Estafeta, FedEx, Redpack and DHL). Shipping times may vary according to destination, weather conditions, seasonality, accidents and changes in parcel policies. In these cases, we are subject to the policies of each company, not being in the hands of Alejandra Quesada full compliance with the delivery times set out below:


Shipping to Mexico City Shipping cost is $70 Remember that our delivery time is from 1 to 5 business days
Shipping to the Interior of the Mexican Republic Shipping cost is $149 Remember that our delivery time is from 1 to 5 business days

If the weight of your order exceeds 5 actual or volumetric kgs, we will calculate the exact amount of the shipment for your payment. Alexandra Quesada is not responsible for damages, physical or moral, direct or indirect, that may be caused by the delay in the delivery of any order.

Can I buy directly in store?

Sure, you can shop at any of our locations. Buying online has the advantage of having our entire inventory. In the physical store points you may not find the product you are looking for.

Can I buy online and pick up in store?

You can do it. It's a great way to save on shipping. Before clicking the "Finish the order" button, contact us via Whatsapp: 55 4787 0394 and we will give you a discount coupon. This will eliminate the shipping charge and you will have to pick up your product at one of our locations.

Can I cancel my order?

Yes. You just have to inform us through our email . For more information about cancellations, see our Policy for changes, returns and refunds.

Can I exchange a product that I bought?

Yes. The product must be in salable condition. You must inform us through our email . For more information about cancellations, see our Policy for changes, returns and refunds.

Do you make urgent deliveries?

Yes. In case you require one or more products urgently, you should contact us so that we can help you coordinate the delivery for the moment you need it.

Up to how many products can I buy online?

You can buy an unlimited number of products, however, you may prefer to contact us directly for better sales conditions.

Why can't I find a specific product?

You can use the search bar to find products. First of all check that the writing of the product is correct. In case you do not find any, contact us via Whatsapp: 55 4787 0394

In order to offer you the best service, we constantly update our product catalog.

How do I see the contents of my shopping cart?

Click on the cart icon located at the top right of the screen. To make a purchase, you need to have an account on our site. You can create one by clicking on the top right of the screen. About the legend "Create account".

How do I modify the content of my shopping cart?

Click on the shopping cart icon located at the top right of the screen, in that section you can add or delete products.

Can I save my order and buy later?

Yes, as long as you are logged into your account. If you have any additional questions please contact us

